If you have been confined to home recently owing to the Covid 19 outbreak then you may have seen that people are going running in your neighbourhood.
It may have crossed your mind that you would like to join them, but you have never been a runner and dont like being out of breathe, so you would prefer to do something else.
Think again, as running could complement your existing training regime and help you to become overall fitter than you currently are. Check out our ebook here which explains How To Start Running, no matter what standard you currently are.
Introduction to How To Start Running
Who is this book for?
This Book, How To Start Running, is for many different groups of people. The first group could be those who have never run regularly and would like to start to do so. This could also be for people who have run in the past, but gave up several years ago, possibly as a result of an injury, or could apply to people who were runners in the past and wish to return to running for its enjoyment.
This book is for people of any age group, male or female and from a range of 10 years old up to 100 years old.
What Does This Book Do?
This book explains how best to approach the gradual increase of running activity until you can safely run for prolonged periods of time. If you wish to raise your personal bar and set more advanced goals it gives you guidance how you can achieve your running objectives, without experiencing injuries as a result of overuse.
How Does This Book Help You?
This book will help you by setting a benchmark of where you are presently, and where you would like to get to, in terms of your running objectives and a route map of how to get from start to finish of your running journey in a structured and planned way. This training plan is recognized as being the best way to improve your running performance in the quickest possible time.
When Should you Read This Book, and When Can It Help You?
Ideally, you should read this book before you embark on a program of running activity or training. The book will help you to plan and schedule the ramp-up of your running activity so that you have a balanced training program, which will give the most beneficial effects on your performance and on your body.
Run for Your Health and For Fun!
Running gives proven Health Benefits for Your Joints, Your Heart, Your Blood Pressure, Your Body, its weight … and your Mental Wellness!
Personal Message to Prospective Runners and Athletes from the Author
Dear Reader,
If you’re thinking about taking up running, you’ve come to the right place. It sounds obvious, but there is a lot to consider if you’re new to running. Each person´s case needs to be reviewed individually since there are relevant factors of age, weight, and current fitness level, which vary considerably between individuals, so people have different criteria and performance capabilities, and different mental capabilities too.
In some cases, your friends may possibly already be avid runners, and they may even compete in road or track races, cross country races, fell racing or marathons, even ultra marathons. Alternatively, your friends may be fun runners who run for health and fitness but do not compete in events at all. Before you consider what type of runner you would like to become, you need to consider your current level of fitness, and whether you are able to start running and training at a particular level or if you need to do some preliminary conditioning training so you must know exactly your current status of fitness, and what you would like to achieve. This can be easily done by measuring your basic statistics, such as gender, age, height and weght, before starting, then updating statistics as your journey progresses. You can also measure your performance over measured running courses, such as on a track. You will then be able to gauge progress and performance improvements.
You may hold an ambition to run a marathon one day, which is commendable, but if you are starting your journey as a non runner, you need to gradually prepare your body for such a major that type of running, and you need to condition yourself mentally and build up to greater distances gradually. And you need to know how to do this without injuring yourself!
We are very passionate about running, of all distances including marathons, but if you’re just beginning and want to learn how to build up your endurance safely, we can help. You don’t have to run marathons at all in order to enjoy running. It’s like no other work-out, and it’s exhilarating too! You can do it more or less anywhere and fit your training session to the time you have available.
10 Amazing Benefits of Running That You Might Not Know About
- Running Improves your mental health and achieves this by releasing good endorphins into the bloodstream, which are distributed around your body, giving an overall feeling of wellness.
- Running Strengthens your lungs and increases your aerobic capacity
- Running helps you to prevent high blood pressure
- Running strengthens your immune system
- Running helps with weight control
- Running helps your legs get stronger
- Running relieves stress
- Running Increases bone density
A strong core improves your body in a number of ways – it improves your posture, strengthens your bones, and it also gives your mid-section a serious workout, tones your muscles and generally makes life a whole lot healthier. Running will give your body a better workout than most gym routines and other new exercise regimes that come along.
Some people are worried that running is bad for the knees, but a study has shown that there is no evidence of this, especially in people with no prior knee injuries. Sports such as football, rugby or hockey are more likely to cause knee and ankle joint problems because those sports involve quick turns and twists, which cause more stress to knee and ankle joints. Your own weight can also have a bearing on how susceptible you may be to joint injuries.
There are conflicting theories about the benefits and desirability of stretching before exercise, such as running. One school of thought contends that dynamic stretching should be carried out to warm the body up before strenuous exercise such as running. After running then static stretching should be carried out while the body is cooling down after exertion.
Another school of thought contends that stretching should not be carried out before running, and suggest that it may actually be bad for you. Both schools of thought concur on the recommendation that you should stretch after running however.
You can make your own mind up about what routine of stretching may suit your own particular body and physique, and this may be after having tried both approaches, and finding which one gives you personally the best results.
Running is a really enjoyable way to get fit. And you can run on your own or in groups and training with your friends can make the exertion seem to pass by quickly and enjoyably by the feeling of camaraderie which you can gain from running and training. Running is also very therapeutic for the mind. It is very enjoyable to to get outdoors and to become at one with nature, especially if you live in the countryside. if you live in the city it can be a good way to explore and to see different parts of your city, especially the parks and open recreational spaces.
Wherever you live, running is free and a wonderful way to strengthen your body and lungs. It’s a great cardio work-out, that can have countless health benefits.
This book, How to Start Running covers a wide range of topics connected to running and the book is laid out in terms of content in chapters as follows:
l Chapter 1 – Reasons to Take Up Running
l Chapter 2 – How Running Changes Your Outlook Towards Life
l Chapter 3 – Things to Consider When Taking Up Running
l Chapter 4 – Common Myths About Running
l Chapter 5 – Getting Together Your Running Kit
l Chapter 6 – How to Start Running
l Chapter 7 – Setting Future Running Challenges
l Chapter 8 – Top Ten Books about Running
l Chapter 9 – Top Ten Movies about Running
l Chapter 10 – Top Ten Blogs for Running
Why not take control of your health today and learn how to get all the great health benefits – Purchase How To Start Running?
Imagine yourself becoming so much fitter than you are today… imagine how exhilarating it will feel when you’ve completed a 3-mile run, and then when you’ve completed a 5-mile run, and then achieved personal bests at even greater distances! We can tell you it feels amazing. I personally always start my days with a run because it clears my head and I feel like I have achieved something before I start my day. You can feel that too, even if you can only run a short distance right now. Join us in the world of running and invest in your future!